N.Vaivads from Auļi: ''Representatives of the national right-wing parties have been interested in our music... But we are not the brand or logo of any party.'' Pt.I
Interview with Normunds Vaivads on traditions, ancestors, paganism, politics and music as an influence for the society.
Auļi is a Latvian folk band known for their energetic performances and modern interpretation of traditional Baltic and Latvian music. Formed in 2003, the band is made up of talented musicians who play a variety of traditional instruments such as bagpipes, kokle, and drums. Auļi's work is a fusion of ancient influence with original music from the artists themselves, creating a unique and captivating sound that has earned them a loyal following both in Latvia and abroad. With their passionate performances and innovative approach to folk music, Auļi continues to delight audiences with their vibrant and dynamic sound.
In this first part of the blog, I had the great honour to interview the oldest member of the band- Normunds Vaivads (Latvian bagpipes, vocals), who has been with the band since their first performance. He is also the Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Medical Officer in the Medical Service of the Joint Headquarters of the National Armed Forces (NAF) in Latvia.
Why is music important for Latvians? Why are traditional folklore & pagan music and instruments from these genres important in Latvia?
Latvians are sometimes referred to as the "singing nation". For us, culture is an important factor of self-identification and public socialisation factor, both as an ethnos and as a nation. Folklore music, ancestral heritage, is not only a phenomenon of intellectual consciousness and awareness, but it also touches the archetypal emotional and intuitive sphere.
Orig. Latviešus reizēm dēvē par “ dziedošo nāciju”. Mums kultūra ir svarīgs pašidentifikācijas un sabiedriskās socializācijas faktors gan kā etnosam, gan ka nācijai. Folkloras mūzika, senču mantojums nav tikai intelektuālās apziņas un apzināšanās fenomens, bet tas skar arī arhetipisko emocionālo un intuitīvo sfēru.
In the early days of Auļi.… what other bands and musicians inspired you and why? Which Baltic musicians and politicians inspired you? Did groups from America, Finland and Russia make any impression on you?
Auļi originally was established as a drum rhythm group, which would be accompanied by bagpipe music. The idea and intentions author was Mikus Čavarts, the drummer of the group Auri, who is also the founder of Auļi, calling the first line-up of the band in 2003. After just a couple of months, the rest of the members were gathered and the group was searching for its own path- discovering what would be the directions, steps [and plans] for the band. Musicians related to folklore in Latvia are well known to each other, so Auļi was well aware of the activities of other folklore groups and was also had members that were in other groups.
The band "Iļgi" were especially close as strong representatives of the post-folkloric movement. At the same time, there was also an interest among Auļi to start playing original medieval music. As a result, a direction that we ourselves called "ethnotrance" has prevailed (that's what we were called at one festival) - we are influenced by the folklore music heritage of our ancestors, we draw inspiration from it, but we make our own arrangements, transferring the influences of the music of that time in our reflections to today, modern performance in a characteristic handwriting, continuing the legacy of the ancestors, but not in a direct, copied, authentic way of performance.
Bagpipes and drums in Latvia, as in Livonia have been described in chronicles since the 16th century and we continue to maintain this tradition, but we cannot be considered a pure folklore group. Over time, we realized that the heritage of our ancestors is very close to many peoples, so we also cooperate in the sphere called "world music" (our project Voices of the Ancestors - Austria, Finland, Mongolian partners). US, Finnish and Russian groups have not made a big impression on us. Auļi are not related to politics and politicians do not influence us.
Orig. Auļi pirmsākumā tika iecerēti kā bungu ritma grupa , kurai dūdu mūzika būtu pavadoša. Ieceres, idejas autors bija grupas Auri bundzinieks Mikus Čavarts, kurš arī ir Auļi dibinātājs, sasaucot pirmo sastāvu 2003.gadā. Jau pēc pāris mēnešiem, papildinot Auļi ar pārējiem mūziķiem, grupā bija sava ceļa meklējumi, kādas būs radošās tālākās darbības virzieni. Ar fokloru saistītie mūziķi Latvijā ir labi pazīstami savā starpā, tā ka Auļi labi pārzināja pārējo folkloras grupu darbību un arī paši bija citu grupu dalībnieki.
Jo īpaši tuvi bija “Iļģi” kā spēcīgi postfolkloras virziena pārstāvji. Paralēli Auļi vidū bija arī interese uzsākt oriģinālās viduslaiku mūzikas atskaņošanu. Rezultātā virsroku ir guvis tāds virziens, ko mēs paši dēvējām par “etnotransu” (tā mūs nosauca vienā festivālā) – mēs ietekmējamies no senču folkloras mūzikas mantojuma, smeļamies no tā iedvesmu, bet veicam savas aranžijas, pārnesot tā laika mūzikas ietekmes savās refleksijās uz mūsdienām, mūsdeinu izpildījumu sev raksturīgā rokrakstā, turpinot senču mantojumu, bet ne tiešā , kopētā autentiskā izpildes veidā.
Dūdas un bungas Latvijā kā Livonijā ir aprakstītas hronikās no 16. gadsimta un mēs turpinām uzturēt šo tradīciju, bet mūs nevar uzskatīt kā tīro folkloras grupu. Ar laiku mēs guvām atziņu, ka senču mantojums daudzām tautām ir visnotaļ tuvs, tāpēc mums ir sadarbība arī sfērā, ko dēvē par “world music” (mūsu projekts Senču balsis – Austrija, Somija, Mongolijas partneri). USA, Somijas un Krievijas grupas uz mums nav atstājušas lielu iespaidu. Auļi nav saistīti ar politiku un politiķi mūs neietekmē.
Is it important for you to be political? Do you consider yourself a political group?
No, Auļi is not a political or politicised group identifying a political nation, we are a nation, therefore an ethnic group and we recognise and develop the nation’s ethnos cultural heritage…therefore we can be considered more of a civically active group, because we support social and cultural events where human and civic values are important e.g. socialisation of municipal residents at city events and festivals. In addition, it is characteristic that the ethical heritage of the Latvian ethnos - Dainas - has expressed moral principles that are perfectly compatible and align with the basic principles of modern EU human rights.
Orig. Nē, Auļi nav politiska vai politizēta grupa kā politisko nāciju identificējoša, mēs esam tautas, tātad etniska grupa un radoši apzinām, attīstam tautas, tātad etnosa kultūras mantojumu… līdz ar to mūs var uzskatīt drīzāk par pilsoniski aktīvu grupu, jo mēs atbalstām sociāli un kulturāli nozīmīgus pasākumus, kur svarīgas cilvēciskās un pilsoniskās vērtības e.g. pašvaldību iedzīvotāju socializācija pilsētsvētkos un festivālos. Pie tam raksturīgi, ka arī latviešu etnosa ētiskajā mantojumā – Dainās, ir izteikti morāli principi, kuri lieliski sader ar mūsdienu EU humāno tiesību pamata principiem.
Do you think music can affect the political environment and society outside the purpose of entertainment?
Unequivocally yes, because music works not only at the intellectual level of perception, but influences emotions, carries the message that the person feels, perceives, gets and changes their mood, which in turn- can also influence the political position and attitude of the individual or and society. An example is the Australian band Midnight Oil or the Irish band U2, whose strong ecological rock music messages also influenced the political environment through society’s frame of mind.
Orig. Viennozīmīgi jā, jo mūzika darbojas ne tikai intelektuālajā uztveres līmenī, bet ietekmē emocijas, nes vēstījumu, ko cilvēks izjūt, uztver , gūst noskaņojumu, kas savukārt var ietekmēt arī indivīda un sociuma politisko nostāju, attieksmi. Kā piemēru var minēt Austrālijas grupu “Midnight Oil” vai īru grupu “ U2” , kuru spēcīgie ekoloģiskie roka mūzikas vēstījumi ietekmēja arī politisko vidi caur sabiedrības noskaņojumu.
Have you ever faced censorship? Had political parties or individuals expressed interest in your music?
We only encounter censorship once when one radio station refused to broadcast Auļi song " Sūda Dziesmu" [Eng.Crap Song], considering it an indecent, rude name, when in fact it's an old dung song that helps in their work [Was sang during work of the labourers]. At the same time, the titles of Auļi songs use ancient Latvian words, which nowadays are no longer used widely. For example, the word Diņķis (Male Genital Organ)- so there have been no claims or censorship.
Auļi music is instrumental in most cases, there weren’t many textual [lyrical] songs, nor are we representatives of protesting music — we're more trying to carry the legacy of creative ancestral traditions, its positive message, to convey to the audience the archetic power of our ancestors on an emotionally intuitive level that we feel ourselves... It can be said that we do not fight against evil (because evil needs a fight, it strengthens it), rather we support the good.
Representatives of the national right-wing parties have been interested in our music from time to time — inviting them to speak at their congresses. But we are not the brand or logo of any party. As a political campaign, Auļi has deliberately taken such actions as in YouTube's statement of support for the Ukrainian people in their fight against the aggression of the Kremlin regime.
Orig. Ar nosacītu cenzūru sastapamies tikai vienu reizi, kad viena radio raidstacija atteicās pārraidīt Auļi “Sūda dziesmu” , uzskatot to par nepiedienīgu, rupju nosaukumu, kaut patiesībā tā ir sena mēslu talkas dziesma, kas palīdz talkā esošajiem to darbā. Tai pat laikā Auļu dziesmu nosaukumos tiek izmantoti senie latvju vārdi, kuru aprite mūsdienās vairs nav tik plaša, kā piemēram Diņķis (Vīrišķais dzimumorgāns), līdz ar to pretenzijas nav bijušas.
Auļu mūzika vairumāir instrumentāla, tekstuālās dziesmas iepreikš nebija tik daudz, kā arī mēs neesam protestējošās mūzikas pārstāvji , mēs vairāk cenšamies nest radošo senču tradīciju mantojuma aicinājumu, tā pozitīvo vēsti, lai nodotu publikai to mūsu senču arhetispisko spēku emocionāli intuitīvā līmenī, ko mēs sajutām paši … var teikt, ka mēs necīnamies pret ļauno (tam jau to tik arī vajag, tas to spēcina), mēs atbalstam labo. Par mūsu mūziku ik pa laikam ir interesējušies nacionālo labējo partiju pārstāvji , aicinot uzstāties to kongresos. Bet mēs neesam kādas partijas brends vai logo. Kā politiska akciju Auļi ir veikuši apzināti tādu darbību kā Youtube paziņojumu par atbalstu Ukraiņu tautai tās cīņā pret kremļa režīma agresiju.
You have travelled to several countries - Poland, Spain. Do you see the difference between the European and Latvian audiences?
Yes, of course, there are differences in mentality and relative expressions of taste, perception and behaviour in cultural traditions between the EU and the ethnos of the world (we have also performed in Japan, China, Taiwan, Malaysia) among their audiences. But Auļi usually has one observation that the children of any nation react invariably quickly and directly to the music of Auļi, directly freely begin to dance, move, jump...
Orig. Jā, protams, starp EU un pasaules etnosiem (esam koncertējuši arī Japānā, Ķīnā, Taivānā, Malaizijā) , to publiku pastāv mentalitātes un nosacītas gaumes, uztveres un uzvedības izpausmes kultūras tradīciju atšķirības. Bet Auļi parasti ir viens novērojums, ka jebkuras nācijas bērni nemainīgi ātri un tieši reaģē uz Auļi mūziku, nepastarpināti brīvi sāk dejot, kustēties, lēkāt…
What makes the Baltic States and Latvia unique when it comes to music? Do you collaborate with Baltic and Finnish musicians?
It is unique that the cultural heritage of its ethnos has been preserved, because Latvians are a conservative nation, Latvian and Lithuanian languages are the most archaic Indo-European languages close to Sanskrit... But music is regionally specific to us and in ancient times, tribes and primaries actively communicated with each other, exchanging the best and taking over what was considered good to the extent that was possible in the region...
Auļi is specific in that the group is played by members not only from different cultural and historical regions of Latvia (Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale), but also is a member from Estonia, which gives Auļi a wider coverage... We also cooperate with Baltic musicians in joint projects, more with Lithuania, but there have also been partners from Finland. Our cooperation is more in the form of invitations to perform at festivals in the Baltic States...
Orig. Unikāls ir tas, ka saglabāts sava etnosa kultūras mantojums, jo latvieši ir konservatīva tauta, latviešu un lietuviešu valodas ir arhaiskākās indoeiropiešu valodas, kas tuvas sanskritam… Bet mūzika mums ir reģionāli raksturīga un senos laikos ciltis un pirmtautas aktīvi savstarpēji komunicēja, apmainoties ar labāko un pārņemot to, ko uzskatīja par labu esam tiktāl, cik tas bija iespējams reģionā…Auļi ir specifiski ar to, ka grupā spēlē dalībnieki ne tikai no dažādiem Latvijas kultūrvēsturiskajiem reģioniem (Vidzemes, Kurzemes, Latgales) , bet arī ir dalībniece no Igaunijas, kas dod Auļi plašāku aptveri…Ar Baltijas mūziķiem sadarbojamies arī kopprojektos, vairāk ar Lietuvu, bet ir bijuši arī partneri no Somijas. Mūsu sadarbība vairāk izpaužas kā aicinājumi uzstāties Baltijas valstu festivālos…
Do you see musical differences between Latvia, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania?
It can be said that a particular region of each country also has its own peculiarities and specifics, even with the traditions and music of the counties- two border countries’ areas are more similar than other regions of the same country. It could be said in a very simplistic way that Estonian music is closer to the Swedish tradition, Lithuanian music to Polish, but Latvian music has a German influence... But it is very, very simplistically connected with the historical context with which in the past every Baltic nation had more cooperation, interaction with... At the same time, the basis of the rhythmic performance is almost identical to the region...
Orig. Var teikt, ka arī katras valsts noteiktā reģionā ir savas īpatnības un specifika, pat ar kāzusu, ka divu pierobežu valstu novadu tradīcijas un mūzika ir līdzīgākas, nekā tās pašas valsts citas reģions. Varētu ļoti vienkāršoti teikt, ka Igaunijas mūzikai izpildījums ir tuvāks Zviedriskai tradīcijai, Lietuviešu mūzikai - Poliskai, bet latviešu mūzika ir ar vācisku ietekmi… Bet tas ir loti, ļoti vienkāršoti, saistīts tieši ar vēsturisko kontekstu, ar kuru valsti agrāk katrai Baltijas tautai bija vairak sadarbība, mijiedarbība… tai pat laikā ritmiskā izpildījuma pamats ir gandrīz identisks reģionam…